What will you do in April? July? Next March?

We want to know (see below). In putting together this series of posts, I realized that every day is Women’s History. Certainly, crowded out by the gents but I was on some days, challenged, to find a topic as our history is written for men. And not why they are there at all. And FYI, March 21st was VERY DIFFICULT. That was some serious research. Why?

Some here are some women that I had difficulty not listing (but found) ’cause they were so cool (yes, March 26th was too good not to list three, I get it):

Here’s a blue ribbon panel:

This month, is celebrating the power, intelligence and grace of women. We’ll highlight women through history each day.

Have we left out someone you’d like featured? Let us know and we’ll highlight your fave as well as issue you 10% OFF at The Scholarship Store!

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