Michael Koth
Founder, Myphysicology.org
Promoting a positive and pro-active perspective for personal growth and development…
Integrating body, mind, soul…
Integrating body, mind, soul…
Michael Koth is a Physicologist, with a background as a health and wellness practitioner, personal trainer, spiritual collaborator, and is versed in clinical and depth psychology. He has been ministering to the needs of clients for forty-five years. His focus is to help people to help themselves. Because of his tremendously varied background, Michael’s personal experience allows him to reach even the most unique person.
Michael did his doctoral work at Pacifica Graduate Institute and Masters and Bachelors at Antioch University, Los Angeles. He has a Masters of Motion and also studies in cognitive neuroscience. He began his education as an undergraduate at 40 years old because it took him that long to put the pieces of his childhood together and focus on education. Drug addiction, alcoholism, sexual abuse, eating disorders, mental health issues and domestic violence are some of the experiences that ultimately acted as the catalysts to find personal solutions. Leaving no stone unturned in seeking personal wellness became his inner mantra, and sharing the loving solutions, which ultimately became Physicology, is the way he can give back for all he has received.
This treasure of personal experience as well as a background in health, wellness, and mindfulness, creates a perspective that can be tailored to assist others in achieving their goals. His methodology is behavioral-based and focuses on working from the inside out. Everything matters, especially you.